... Colwell Oke Thomas William Saunders. ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES . Arch . A. & Ε . B. & Ad . B. & Ald . Barn . Bell Benloa . B. & S. Bla . Rep . Bos . & Pul . Cald . Camp . C. & P. C. & Kir . C. & Mar. Carth . Chit . Cox's C. C. Dalt ...
George Colwell Oke. Remanding or bailing defendants till hearing , & c . Summonses to witnesses . Hearing of information . The 11 & 12 Vict . c . 43 , contains various pro- visions as to remanding or bailing defendants before or during ...
... Colwell Oke. c . 50 . 22 & 23 Vict . c . 65 , s . 2 ] . As to appointment of district surveyor , 5 & 6 Will 4 , see ss . 13 , 14 , 15. [ Form of Appointment , No. 9 , p . 597 , Oke's " Formulist , " 3rd edit . ] Determination as to ...
George Colwell Oke. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS UPON THE FIRST EDITION . " A WORK which bears evident traces of great labour and accurate research . The facility of reference and a copious index contribute in no small degree to make this book ...
George Colwell OKE. to make and receive . ( Forms Nos . 18-22 , pp . 452 , 453 , Oke's " For- mulist , " 2nd edit . ) Railways interfering with Roads . ] See 8 & 9 Vict . c . 20 , in tit . " Railways , " post . INCLOSURES . Matters in ...
... Colwell Oke. Oke's Synop . 2nd ed . p . 178 .一, 4. The Conviction for the above described offences will be in the Ge- neral Form No. 39 ( I. 1 ) , ante , p . 38 , with this variation for offences 1 and 5 , in the adjudication , viz ...
George Colwell Oke. 17 Geo . 2 , c . 3 . 54 Geo . 3 , c . 170 . 1 Vict . c . 36 . Publication of Rate . ] This is on the next Sunday after the allow- ance ( 17 Geo . 2 , c . 3 , s . 1 ) ; but the notice of the allowance need not be ...
... Colwell Oke. PREFACE TO THE PRESENT ( EIGHTH ) EDITION . KE'S FORMULIST " has for many years been OKE'S one of the most useful books in the Justices ' Clerk's Library . Its original compiler , the late Mr. OKE , was a master of ...
Vol. I George Boase. OKE , GEORGE COLWELL . ( Con . ) . 211 , 7 / -- 2nd ed . Lond . , 1863 , 12o . , pp . xxiv and 374 , 10/6 . The new criminal acts of 1861 , with the offences , punishment and procedure , whether punishable summarily ...
George Colwell Oke John William Bund Willis-Bund, Alexander Cockburn McBarnet. repealed the use of the device , and provided that putts and putchers need not observe the weekly close time , the annual close time for them being extended ...