Our responsibilities: Promoting safe communities by: Improving access to justice by: Providing legal and strategic services to government.
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Alberta Justice is the Cabinet ministry responsible for providing legal advice and overseeing provincial law enforcement to the government of Alberta, Canada.
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The Department of the Attorney General managed legal issues involving the government, including administration of the court system.
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This organization is: Provincial Government To lead a fair and innovative justice system, ensure effective policing, and support victims of crime.
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People also ask
Alberta Justice and Attorney General. The Ministry provides information about Alberta's justice system, its major participants and links to publications.
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The Bowden Institution, Innisfail, Alberta|Alberta Dept of the Attorney General · The Bowden Institution, Innisfail, Alberta. (Hardcover). by Alberta Dept of ...
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The Online Books Page. Browsing Authors : "Alberta. Department of the Attorney General" to "Alberta. Royal Commission to Inquire into Matters Connected with ...
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List of Alberta provincial ministers#Minister of Justice and Attorney General. Learn more. This page is a redirect. The following categories are used to track ...
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