Dominic Capeci unravels the tragic story of Wright's life on several stages, showing how these acts of violence were indicative not only of racial tension but the clash of the traditional and the modern brought about by the war.
In reality it had a markedly debilitating effect on virtually every aspect of their lives. This book explores the operation of exclusionary liberalism between 1877 and 1927 in southern Alberta and the southern interior of British Columbia.
This book investigates the meanings and iconography of the Stampede: an invented tradition that takes over the city of Calgary for ten days every July.
... Alberta stock will represent 81⁄2 shares in Dalhousie . An arbitrary value ... general reconditioning of the road . Edward M. Bradley is Pres . of the ... Attorney General Sargent , gave the final fig- ures of the claims to be ...
"This book is the result of a study in which the authors identified all of the American women who earned PhD's in mathematics before 1940, and collected extensive biographical and bibliographical information about each of them.
Using the words of many of those who took part in Brown & Root's offshore activities, this book recounts their efforts to find practical ways to recover offshore oil.
Based on a detailed examination of New York case law, this pathbreaking book shows how law, politics, and ideology in the state changed in tandem between 1920 and 1980.