inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
This volume brings together representative selections of Lewis Mumford's major writings on the central concerns of his life.
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... Lewis Mumford , July 7 , 1947 , Mumford Collection . Thank you to Al and Esther Sevilla for sharing their original mortgage documents to confirm these numbers . Mortgage from the Security First National Bank in author's possession . 88 ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... inauthor:%22Geor ge+Perkins+Marsh%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BDCuUez6GKqLiwLanoGgBA&ved=0CDYQ6 AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false Marsh ... Mumford, L. (1955). Sticks and stones: A study of American architecture and civilization . New York: Dover ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... Lewis Mumford, René Dubos, and Bookchin were all part of an intellectual current that he calls ecological humanism ... in author's collection. 34. Bookchin (as Lewis Herber), Crisis in Our Cities (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... in author's possession . 31. On American pluralism see David A. Hollinger , Postethnic America : Beyond Multi ... Lewis Mumford ( Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , 1990 ) ; Bruce Clayton , Forgotten Prophet : The ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... in author's possession . 2. Eldred C. Nelson and Leonard I. Schiff , Our Atomic World ( Albuquerque : University ... Lewis Mumford , “ Gentlemen : You Are Mad ! " Saturday Review of Literature 29 ( March 2 , 1946 ) : 8 . 4. Alice ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... ( in author's possession ) ; MRB to Eva Hansl , Aug. 11 , 1941 , copy in- terfiled with Grierson letters , box 1 ... Lewis Mumford to the editor , Saturday Review of Literature 27 , no . 49 ( Dec. 2 , 1944 ) : 27 ; see also Henry ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... in author 's possession. Geddes 's book was not published until 1915 ( Cities in Evolution [London: Williams and Norgate]), and the remainder of his life was spent working overseas. His later reputation owed much to Lewis Mumford, who ...
inauthor: Lewis Mumford from
... Mumford's word for the 20th Century city . In its analysis he uses the ... Lewis Mumford's eyes the metropolitan suburb is a romantic evasion , a faked ... In Author Mumford's long view , communal ownership of the land- all the ...