The mission of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food is to support and promote agriculture and serve consumers and business.
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The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture consists of six divisions. Through these units the department assures safe and healthy food supplies.
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The mission of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food is to promote agriculture in the public interest and to serve farmers and consumers.
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The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food is a state agency of the US state of New Hampshire, headquartered in Concord.
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What are the top 3 agricultural products in New Hampshire?
What does the Department of agriculture have charge of?
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The NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets, and Food Facebook page contains info about events, issues, and more pertaining to agriculture.
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Contact Information ; Phone Number. 603-271-3551 ; Website: ; Address: 25 Capitol Street PO Box 2042. Concord, New Hampshire 03302
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Website: External link for STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE-DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, MARKETS & FOOD ; Industry: Hospitals and Health Care.
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NHDAMF's office is located in Concord, New. Hampshire and provides certification services exclusively in New Hampshire. Certification services are performed by ...
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