... Puerto Rico . Four hundred and fifty - three million dollars will cover the full year cost of the cost - of - living ... Labor Department cost of the work registration program- a $ 2 - million increase - and additional Federal ...
... in author- ized amount of common stock and stated capital , and proxy solicitation in favor thereof .. Small Business Administration Notices : Branch Manager , San Juan , Puerto Rico ; power of attor- ney relating to loans in Puerto Rico ...
... Puerto Rico . Four hundred and fifty - three million dollars will cover the full year cost of the cost - of - living ... Labor Department cost of the work registration program- a $ 2 - million increase - and additional Federal ...
... Puerto Rico . Four hundred and fifty - three million dollars will cover the full year cost of the cost - of - living ... Labor Department cost of the work registration program- a $ 2 - million increase and additional Federal ...
... Puerto Rico . Four hundred and fifty - three million dollars will cover the full year cost of the cost - of - living ... Labor Department cost of the work registration program- a $ 2 - million increase -- and additional Federal ...
... Puerto Rico and Hawaii . H. R. 5344. An act to prevent retroac- tive checkage of retired pay in the cases of certain ... Labor , the Federal Security Agency , and related in- dependent agencies , for the fiscal year ending June 30 ...
... Puerto Rico . ( Mar. 31 , 1948 , ch . 166 , § 18 , 62 Stat . 1936. ) § 1937. Appropriations . ( a ) There are ... labor service or guard units of United States Army . 1957. Displaced Persons Commission ; creation ; composi- tion ...
... Puerto Rico , and the Virgin Islands . 19 and on April 27 it met , organized , and agreed on basic objectives as ... Labor and Public Welfare , United States Sen- ate , Washington , D. C. DEAR MR . CHAIRMAN : On June 11 , 1956 , we ...